The Goodtime Hotel | Art Advising
Welcome to Miami. We’re so excited to announce The Goodtime Hotel, founded by Pharrell and David Grutman, has opened its doors. Partnering with designer Ken Fulk, the Margot Tenenbaum-inspired space features Tappan artists, from the lovely light-filled guest rooms, to the rich and indulgent lobby area. Explore works by Marleigh Culver, Bryce Wymer, Ethan Caflisch, Gabrielle Teschner, Michael DeSutter, Annelie Vandendael, and more.

Photos credit: The Goodtime Hotel

“[The library]... It's like straight out of the mind of... Margot Tenenbaum. She's a huge inspiration, just for like the overall tone. We wanted this to be a place that you could see in a Wes Anderson frame.”
— Pharrell Williams