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Exposed As Rock

$ 2,500

European Hemp, Ink, Paste. Framed in Poplar.

In her new series, Excitement of Decay, Chanee Vijay wanders through the often overlooked hues and textures of dead flora found in the meadows and forests of the Sonoma Coast in autumn. Chanee painted the pieces of hemp to mimic the deep colors of decaying duff on the forest floor, the subtle golden shifts of dried grasses and ferns lying fallow in the meadows, and the rich emerald shades of new growth pushing through the after the winter rains. Through this series, Chanee shares her reverence for this process of decay, of rest and latency, that precedes the lush lively blooms of early spring.

Size: 31.5 x 25.5 inches
Custom Framing Included
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Chanee Vijay

About the Artist

Chanee Vijay

Chanee Vijay's abstract textile collages draw on her regard for local landforms, faults, cycles of growth and decay with materials, and techniques she gleaned across a decade of textile surface design and pillow production. Starting with her European hemp offcuts, Chanee plays with tonality, often over-dyeing and painting each piece to bring mood and enhanced character to the fabric. Her attentiveness to the interactions among forms reinforces the arrangement’s imperfect lines. The final composition is realized by pasting, then sculpting the hemp together to create movement and texture with raw exposed seams.

Current Exhibition

Echoes of Being

Group Show
April 12 - May 28

8200 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles CA

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Exposed As Rock
Exposed As Rock$ 2,500